Unit V -the Media and Social Capital
Soft news
Merriman,Soft News, the Rise of
Critical Journalism, and How to Preserve Democracy
Thomas E. Doing Well and Doing Good: How Soft News and Critical Journalism Are
Shrinking the News Audience and Weakening Democracy – And What News Outlets Can
Do About It. John F. Kennedy School of Government: Harvard University, 2000.
Postman, N. (1986) Amusing ourselves to death:
Public discourse in the age of show business. London, United Kingdom:
Putnam, R. D. (2000) Bowling alone: The collapse
and revival of American community. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
Robinson, M. J. (1976) Public affairs television and
the growth of political malaise: The case of "the selling of the
Pentagon". The American Political Science Review
M. A. (2002a). Making politics fun: What
happens when presidential candidates hit the talk show circuit. Paper
presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Boston, MA.
live in an era with a plentitude of information but a paucity of
Joe Nye, JFK School of Government, Harvard College
the era of information overload, are we politically apathetic, depoliticized,
and mediated. Are media and news coverage undergoing distortion,
commercialisation, infotainisiation, entertainization.
Soft news, hard news and critical journalism are
theoretical expositions about political value of news coverage.
Soft news -News, as in a newspaper or television report, that
does not deal with formal or serious topics and events.
Hard news is “the coverage of breaking events involving top
leaders, major issues, or significant disruptions in the routines of daily
life, such as an earthquake or airline disaster” (T Patterson, 3). Hard news is
the actual report of what has happened in a simple, clear, and accurate manner.
This type of news story never distorts, misrepresents or gives wrong facts. It
draws no conclusions, makes no accusations, offers no opinions and does not
indulge in any speculations. Hard news is facts and statistics. Patterson
defines hard news as being centered on a public policy component, which implies
“coverage of breaking events involving top leaders, major issues, or
significant disruptions in the routines of daily life.
Critical journalism tends to be a more negative version of
soft news. It is characterized by
journalists who will stop at nothing to expose scandal, deceit, and mistakes in
government. Patterson, Thomas E
Usually less political in content than critical journalism,
soft news aims more to entertain. Human
interest stories and special news features make up soft news. It is typically “more sensational, more
personality-centered, less time-bound…and more incident-based than other news”
(Patterson, 4). Marvin Kalb, citing the
difference between today’s news and that of earlier generations, calls the
mixture of critical journalism and soft news the “new news”. Soft news is
explanatory and opinionated one. It tells about background; draws conclusions,
features, editorials and interpretive and investigative news are all soft news.
If a fire breaks-out in the city, its news is hard news, but if you go into
details about what caused the fire it is soft news.
The “new news” does have a place in the news media. Without it, the news would be dry, boring and
completely devoid of feeling. However,
over the past two decades, soft news and overly critical journalism have begun
to dominate hard news. “News stories
that have no clear connection to policy issues have increased from less than 35
percent of all stories in 1980 to roughly 50 percent today. Stories with a public policy component – hard
news – have declined by a corresponding degree” (Patterson, 3).
There is no one place that is overrun with soft news and
critical journalism. “The trend is not
confined to local or national news organizations, nor is it limited to the
broadcast or print medium. The trend may
not be equally pronounced in all media, but it is evident in all”
Political significance of news
The press and politics are inextricably linked. In its most traditional role, the press is
supposed to be the public’s main source of information about the
government. The press influences how the
public sees its government, and with the “new news,” the view is not a good
one. “Evidence…suggests that soft news
and critical journalism are weakening the foundation of democracy by
diminishing the public’s information about public affairs and its interest in
politics…Critical journalism has weakened people’s interest in politics”
(Patterson homas, 2).
Aside from causing apathy, the news can also cause the public
to lose faith in its government.
Critical journalism in particular makes the government appear “almost
universally inept and self-serving” (Patterson, 10).
Subsequently, “trust in government has dropped sharply in the
past four decades” (Patterson, 10).
Additionally, “the proportion of Americans who think most government
officials are honest has dropped substantially” (Patterson, 10).
Soft news provides little beneficial political information;
critical journalism over performs its watchdog role to the extent that Americans
overdose on stories of political stupidity, scandal, and corruption.
Over 30 years, a large body of research on what
is often called ‘hard’ and ‘soft news’has accumulated in communication studies.
However, there is no consensus about what hard and soft news exactly is, or how
it should be defined or measured. Moreover, the concept has not been clearly
differentiated from or systematically related to concepts addressing very
similar phenomena – tabloidization and ‘infotainment’. Consequently, the
results of various studies are hard to compare and different scientific
discourses on related issues remain unconnected.
The terms ‘hard news’ and ‘soft news’ are not scientific by
origin. Although we do not exactly know when, the two terms were obviously
first used by US journalists them-selves to categorize different kinds of news.
The terms then made their way step by step from journalistic into academic
language. In the middle of the last century, Schramm(1949) was one of the first
US scholars to reflect on the division between different types of news from the
perspective of audiences. He distinguished between delayed-reward and
immediate-reward news and his distinction very much resembles the
division between hard and soft news. In addition, he discussed possible
motives why people would choose those different kinds of news and what their
effects could be (Schramm,1949: 260–1). About 30 years later, in her widely
cited study Tuchman (1973) addressed the issue from a journalists’ perspective
and investigated their understanding of ‘hard news’ and ‘soft news’. Although
Tuchman already stressed back then that journalists used the terms ambiguously,
scholars began to use them more and more often to distinguish different kinds
of news. The dichotomy became especially prominent in studies investigating
‘the softening of news’, ‘tabloidization’, or ‘increasing infotainment’; that is,
the changes to the content and style of news presentation (e.g. Connell,
1998;Donsbach and Büttner, 2005; Esser, 1999; Sparks, 2000; Uribe and Gunter,
2004). Those studies have contributed a lot to the fact that the hard vs soft
dichotomy is widely used and therefore can be regarded as a key concept of
political communication research.
The media are often blamed for
electorates’ low levels of political knowledge and involvement, due to the
tendency to cover political news in an increasingly entertaining manner.
The entertainization of political information is
ongoing, with more and more programs falling into the category of so-called soft
news (Holbert, 2005). Increasingly news coverage is not directly related to
politics or policy issues, with now higher proportions of news stories that
feature human-interest elements, deal with dramatic incidents or crime, are
sensational or about personal affairs (Patterson, 2000).
Also within political news,
dramatic elements are increasingly used to make the news more attractive for
non-traditional news audiences. Such entertainization of political information
is also characterized by news focusing on human-interest issues. Proponents of
such developments claim that thereby segments of society receive political
information that otherwise would avoid such information altogether (Baum,
By contrast, as the number of
soft news programs increases, criticism follows. Scholars argue that seeing
more soft news, at the expense of watching serious news, might lead to lower
levels knowledge of public issues or negative attitudes towards politics
(Postman, 1986; Putnam, 2000; Robinson, 1976).
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