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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Approaches to Indian State

-There are two prominent approaches-Liberal/Marxist.

-In addition,the Gandhian approaches are also prominent

-Liberal approaches-

-Focuses on institutions and processes to understand state and political power in India.
-State is central instrument of social progress and politics principal agent of transformation
Institutionalization of politics and system model is applied.

Gunnar Myrdal criticized inability of state to meet system requirements and dubbed institutional model of Indian state as “soft state”-signifies limit of public power ,the state’s inability to enforce public policies to eradicate poverty or to enforce laws.
-it focuses on functional aspects of state,but failed to answer significant changes since 1960s,
-so two approaches developed-state centric/society centric.
Society centric-focuses on social change,to study zamindari abolition,garibi hatao,mandalisation,
By 1980s renewed state centric approach developed,foreground more autonomy to srtate,state is not an agent of classes rather it functions independent of classes

-Political economy approach

Liyod and Susanne Rudolph analyses state in terms of conflict b/w

demand polity –in which societal demands expressed as electoral pressure dominate over society
And a command polity where state hegemony dominate over society
The argument rests over state’s role as “third actor” along with capital and labour

-Marxist approaches-

Class formation,class configuration and class action are central elements in understanding state.
-two points are important-bourgeois dominance of state is not reflected in the bourgeois dominance of society/capitalist control is exercised through a class coalition,a coalition strategy is condition of dominance.
By 1970s after shifting emergency ,relative autonomy of state particularly inability of bourgeois in instituting its hegemony over civil society
Its core argument is Indian democracy is bourgeois because its led by Gandhi led Congress which put hegemony over subaltern with out frontally confronting them.

-Ganhian approaches to Indian state

-Gandhi’s views on Indian state was a reflection of the cultural and historical ethos of Indian civilization
-Gandhi rejected all powerful state
-a government which governed the least
-Gandhian position was in line with much of post-Mauryan Hindu thought
Artha sastra accords higher power to state
-Post mourya thought especially those of Asoka transformed the mouryan state machinery
-the position evolved is that in conflicts between dharma and artha were to be resolved in favour of dharma.
-caste system developed in b/w mourya actually eroded Indian dynasties and were susceptible to foreign invasions
-The replacement of Hindu rule first by Muslim and then by British rule probably reinforced this conceptual distancing from the state. What is then remarkable is that while Mahatma Gandhi opposed the British raj he also inherited this suspicion of the power of the state which had become ingrained by now in the Hindu mind.
-The appreciation of the power of the state did not come as a reaction to the West but was in fact the result of the action of the West itself
-In this context it is crucial to distinguish between the positions of Marx and Lenin. Marx visualized the withering away of the state , a scenario Gandhi would have applauded. But Lenin by introducing the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat assigned a key role to state power. In this Nehru was a follower of Lenin. Thus it was Nehru who was recognized the significance of the power of the state and not just of the state but a strong central state. In fact one of the reasons he gave for accepting partition is that the constitutional arrangements for an undivided India would have left India with a weak central government.
-Gandhi’s political and moral thought is based upon a simple metaphysics. For him the universe is regulated by a supreme intelligence or the principle which he called TRUTH or GOD. It is embodied in all living beings and above all in Man, in the form of as self conscious soul or spirit. The spirit constitutes man’s essence. Since all men have a share in the divine essence, they are ultimately one. They are not merely equal but also identical. Since they have a spark of divinity in them, man is inherently good and the discovery and cultivation of this goodness is man’s purpose in this earthly life – a realization of true self through self discipline and ahimsa. In other words there is not only the perfectibility of the human self, but also an inherent urge in man to achieve it. The social and political life of man ought to be guided by the knowledge and the light of that goodness or virtue. In search of this goodness and truth, the knowledge and acceptance of evils — whether social, economic or political – and correcting and curing them were the challenges to the creative best of man. It is this context that his view on Indian social structure, religion, untouchability, property, industrialization, politics or state can be understood.
Criticism of the Modern State Like many other Indian leaders, Gandhi had great difficulty in accepting the modern and liberal capitalist state. He took great pains to point out the imperfections and dangers of modern state and sought to cut it to size by propounding a social theory where the state largely loses its deceptive luster and turns into a necessity. He did not consider the state more than a mechanical arrangement superimposed on the nation. It was impersonal, ruling by rules, functioning more or less like a machine with no human beings apparently in charge of it or accepting responsibility for its action. He viewed the power of the state not as an end in itself but as one of...


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New PhD norms in Karnataka state universities:How teacher Scholars can attend the course work ?

New PhD norms in Karnataka state universities.

It is very sad to know the news as it will make troubles to those teacher scholars who apply for part-time research in Universities in Karnataka.Teacher scholars join for part-time Ph D by an undertaking in writing to the concerned governmnt thatpart-time Ph D programme in no way affect the work load and any additional financial burden to exchequer,but how do the teacher scholars can attend the six month course work.

Moreover teachers can apply for FIP programme under UGC norms only after registering for Ph D in a University.

But the present Ph D norms insist that registration begins with course is after all anti research and anti-academic decision.It will not do any good to research and quality improvement in higher education scenario.

The Karnataka state council for higher education should immediately find a solution ...?what is the way out ?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Papers Invited for the UGC sponsored Three Day National Seminar on “Politics and Social Media : Commons in the Space Online” Govt Brennen College

With greetings

Department Political Science Government Brennen College is planning to organise a three day seminar programme on “Politics and Social Media : Commons in the Space Online”. The UGC has sanctioned fund for the programme .The seminar is scheduled to organize on 12,13 and 14 October  2011.
We plan to invite renowned scholars from Central Universties, IIT’s, IIM’s, Deemed Universities, Professional Institutions, Government representatives and bureaucracy, media,social activist groups and other professionals. The academicians in Kerala and all over India can participate in the programme.
The seminar will be of immense help for professionals as well as people interested in the area of online politics.The topic is recently originated and found to be of recent in academic pursuit.The seminar will be useful for policy makers to redefine priorities.It makes a question that whether we have to depend the “Net” unnecessarily?Activist groups will get enough resource for their future action and priorities from the seminar.More over the seminar will be highly useful for students and teachers to improve their knowledge domain.
Govt. Brennen College, which is one of the premier institutions of higher education in Kerala, developed out of the free school established in 1862 by Edward Brennen, a master Attendant of Tellicherry Port. It was elevated to the status of a II Grade College with F.A. Classes in 1890. The institution became a I Grade College in 1947, and it was shifted to the new building at Darmadam in 1958. Govt. Brennen College celebrated century in 1990. The then Vice President of India, His Excellency Dr. Shangar Dayal Sharma inaugurated the centenary celebrations. Govt. Brennen college is recognized as a center of Excellence by the Government of Kerala. The University Grants Commission had include the college in 12B and 2F Category. In 2004 September, this institution with its entire legacy and quality drive was accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council with B++ grade and in 2010 September it was reaccredited with A grade.The college is situated on the NH 17,5 KM away from Thalassery Railway Station, 60 KM away from Calicut Airport,167 KM away from Mangalore Airport.
However the area is facing the problem of presence and accessibility of renowned scholars. The esteemed presence of scholars like you will be a boon .The teachers and students will get a fresh insight to their knowledge and an inspiration for scholarship if you kindly participate in the seminar programme and make your contribution.
The connection between internet and collective action constituted very serious academic pursuit in recent times. The serious question is whether internet facilitates public action online. The pro-democracy movement in Middle East and in Egypt, the diplomatic tussle created by Wikileaks cables, the use of internet platforms in General elections recently in India and the representation of Nira Radia tapes in internet platforms has recently created a renewed interest in the power of internet to influence public action in India.
With the rise of social media platforms such as discussion and chats among citizens through blogs, chatrooms, e-maling lists, Citizen access to MPs and public authorities through web, e-mail, blogs, Online ‘participatory’ journalism through web, email, sms, mms, blogs, Connections and weak tie networks through network sites like Facebook, Myspace etc, User-generated content in broadcasting User-generated content in broadcasting through TV, Radio, web, sms, blogs , Social Movement activity through web,blogs,email,wikis political communication needs to be redefined in an unprecedented manner. With Facebook , Twitter ,blogs and other platforms , the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been transformed. It has become easier for the people of poles apart to collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns. For a democratic country like India, virtual vigilantism offers new mechanisms of expression, representation and mobilizing of interests and political opinion. The upshot of this novel form of vigilantism is that diverse social and political groups are finding their voices outside the realm of conventional politics. In other words, political parties are no longer monopolizing the public opinion domain. Civil society and voluntary groups are injecting fresh ideas into politics and mobilizing social interests and changing public perceptions. Having bypassed conventional politics, these groups are engaging directly with the public.infact internet generates a non-party political domain power enough to influence the political domain.It needs to be addressed theoretically .
The seminar is scheduled under the broad frame work of connection between internet and social movements campaign by social media platforms.
1. Internet and democracy
2. Public sphere online
3. Online social movements
4. Protest politics online
5. Civil society online
6. Social capital online
7. Digital divide
8. Social media
Biju P R,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Political Science ,
Government Brennen College,
Kannur ,Kerala.
Those willing to make presentations please contact mobile no:9847477116 or through

Papers Invited for the UGC sponsored Three Day National Seminar on “Politics and Social Media : Commons in the Space Online” Govt Brennen College

With greetings

Department Political Science Government Brennen College is planning to organise a three day seminar programme on “Politics and Social Media : Commons in the Space Online”. The UGC has sanctioned fund for the programme .The seminar is likely to be organized by September 2011.


We plan to invite renowned scholars from Central Universties, IIT’s, IIM’s, Deemed Universities, Professional Institutions, Government representatives and bureaucracy, media,social activist groups and other professionals. The academicians in Kerala and all over India can participate in the programme.


The seminar will be of immense help for professionals as well as people interested in the area of online politics.The topic is recently originated and found to be of recent in academic pursuit.The seminar will be useful for policy makers to redefine priorities.It makes a question that whether we have to depend the “Net” unnecessarily?Activist groups will get enough resource for their future action and priorities from the seminar.More over the seminar will be highly useful for students and teachers to improve their knowledge domain.


Govt. Brennen College, which is one of the premier institutions of higher education in Kerala, developed out of the free school established in 1862 by Edward Brennen, a master Attendant of Tellicherry Port. It was elevated to the status of a II Grade College with F.A. Classes in 1890. The institution became a I Grade College in 1947, and it was shifted to the new building at Darmadam in 1958. Govt. Brennen College celebrated century in 1990. The then Vice President of India, His Excellency Dr. Shangar Dayal Sharma inaugurated the centenary celebrations. Govt. Brennen college is recognized as a center of Excellence by the Government of Kerala. The University Grants Commission had include the college in 12B and 2F Category. In 2004 September, this institution with its entire legacy and quality drive was accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council with B++ grade and in 2010 September it was reaccredited with A grade.The college is situated on the NH 17,5 KM away from Thalassery Railway Station, 60 KM away from Calicut Airport,167 KM away from Mangalore Airport.

However the area is facing the problem of presence and accessibility of renowned scholars. The esteemed presence of scholars like you will be a boon .The teachers and students will get a fresh insight to their knowledge and an inspiration for scholarship if you kindly participate in the seminar programme and make your contribution.


The connection between internet and collective action constituted very serious academic pursuit in recent times. The serious question is whether internet facilitates public action online. The pro-democracy movement in Middle East and in Egypt, the diplomatic tussle created by Wikileaks cables, the use of internet platforms in General elections recently in India and the representation of Nira Radia tapes in internet platforms has recently created a renewed interest in the power of internet to influence public action in India.

With the rise of social media platforms such as discussion and chats among citizens through blogs, chatrooms, e-maling lists, Citizen access to MPs and public authorities through web, e-mail, blogs, Online ‘participatory’ journalism through web, email, sms, mms, blogs, Connections and weak tie networks through network sites like Facebook, Myspace etc, User-generated content in broadcasting User-generated content in broadcasting through TV, Radio, web, sms, blogs , Social Movement activity through web,blogs,email,wikis political communication needs to be redefined in an unprecedented manner. With Facebook , Twitter ,blogs and other platforms , the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been transformed. It has become easier for the people of poles apart to collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns. For a democratic country like India, virtual vigilantism offers new mechanisms of expression, representation and mobilizing of interests and political opinion. The upshot of this novel form of vigilantism is that diverse social and political groups are finding their voices outside the realm of conventional politics. In other words, political parties are no longer monopolizing the public opinion domain. Civil society and voluntary groups are injecting fresh ideas into politics and mobilizing social interests and changing public perceptions. Having bypassed conventional politics, these groups are engaging directly with the public.infact internet generates a non-party political domain power enough to influence the political domain.It needs to be addressed theoretically .


The seminar is scheduled under the broad frame work of connection between internet and social movements campaign by social media platforms.
1. Internet and democracy
2. Public sphere online
3. Online social movements
4. Protest politics online
5. Civil society online
6. Social capital online
7. Digital divide
8. Social media


Biju P R,

Assistant Professor,

Department of Political Science ,

Government Brennen College,


Kannur ,Kerala.


Those willing to make presentations please contact mobile no:9847477116 or through

Monday, June 6, 2011

“Online Political Activism in India: The Role of Social Media”

Annexure II




1. Broad Subject -Online Politics

2. Area of Specialization -Social Media

3. Duration -18 months

4. Principal Investigator -Gayathri O

i. Name: -Gayathri O

ii. Sex: M/F -Female

iii. Date of Birth: -06-04-1981

iv. Category: (GEN/SC/ST/OBC) -OBC

iv. Qualification: -M A,JRF,Ph D Part-time Ongoing

v. Designation: -Assistant Professor in Political Science

vi. Address:

Office :Gayathri O

Assistant Professor ,

Department of Political Science

Govt.College Madappally


Residence :Gayathri O

Mundakkatharayil House

Kallelibhagam P O





5. Co – Investigator(s) :Nil

(i) Name:

(ii) Sex: M/F

(iii) Date of Birth:

iv. Category: (GEN/SC/ST/OBC)

(iv) Qualification:

(vi) Designation:

(vii) Address: Office: Residence:

6. Name of the Institution where the project

will be undertaken :Govt.College Madappally,Vadakara

(a) Department :Political Science

(b) College/University :Government College Madappally

(c) Whether the institute is

located in rural/backward area :Nil

7. Whether the College/University is approved

under Section 2 (f) and 12 B of the UGC Act? :Yes

8. Teaching and Research

Experience of Principal Investigator :

a)Teaching experience : a)UG _5_Years,b) PG_Nil_Years

b) Research experience :Nil

c) Whether the project has been approved by the

University for thedoctoral degree ? If so, please

indicate :Nil

i. Date of Registration :

ii. Name and designation of the supervisor

approved by the University :

iii. Name of the University where registered :

d) In case the teacher holds a doctoral degree :

i. Title of the thesis :

ii Year of the award of degree :

iii. Name of the University :

e) Publication :

Papers Published :

Accepted :Two

Communicated :One

Books Published :

Accepted :

Communicated :


Proposed Research Work

9 (i) Project Title

“Online Political Activism in India: The Role of Social Media”

(ii) Introduction

The relationship between internet and collective action has constituted very serious academic pursuit recently. The serious question is whether internet facilitates political activism online. The pro-democracy movement in Middle East and in Egypt, the diplomatic tussle created by Wikileaks cables, the use of internet platforms in General elections recently in India and the representation of Nira Radia tapes in internet platforms have recently created a renewed interest in the power of internet to influence public action in India.

Origin of the research problem

The new apparatus of social media have reinvented social activism in an unprecedented manner. With Facebook , Twitter ,blogs and other platforms , the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been transformed. It has become easier for the people of poles apart to collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns. For a democratic country like India, virtual vigilantism offers new mechanisms of expression, representation and mobilizing of interests and political opinion. The upshot of this novel form of vigilantism is that diverse social and political groups are finding their voices outside the realm of conventional politics. In other words, political parties are no longer monopolizing the public opinion domain. Civil society and voluntary groups are injecting fresh ideas into politics and mobilizing social interests and changing public perceptions through new media. Having bypassed conventional politics, these groups are engaging directly with the public with the use of social media platforms in particular and internet in general.

Activism is an inherently social practice. Movements cannot succeed without good communication and effective collaboration among activists. Here comes the importance of social media. This study explores into the public sphere theory of Habermas and makes an attempt to trace the instances of public sphere in the cyber space in the Indian context with special reference to the online campaigns organized through various social media platforms.This study at the outset proposes that public sphere online already exist in India.Publics do exist online in the same frequency as those are offline.However it does not mean that public space online are different from those offline.The online activism are just an extension of the offline activism.

Review of Research and Development in the Subject:

Empire by Michael Hardt Antonio Negri 496 page book which attemts to theorize the economic and political world today.The book decentered is the present world and often confusing dispersal of power structure.

The Future Of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World by L a w r e n c e L e s s i g with 368 pages argue that the forces that the original Internet threatened to transform are well on their way to transforming the Internet ... the future that promised great freedom and innovation will not be ours. Lessig opines that internet originally viewd to free the world is actually run within a controlled environment with no freedom.

Jonathan Zittrain in TheFuture of the Internet observes that internet is failing.The generative properties on internet has given rise to new softwares .The creative anarchy of internet has led to security problems. The result is the rise of “appliances” that are designed to do one thing well, but are limited compared with PCs. These include video-games consoles, internet-phone handsets, iPods, smartphones and locked-down web terminals. They can all connect to the internet and do things that could be previously done only on PCs. They are not prone to viruses. But, Zittrain worries, the spread of such “tethered appliances” endangers the internet's innovative culture.

In Two Bits, Christopher M. Kelty investigates the history and cultural significance of Free Software, revealing the people and practices that have transformed not only software but also music, film, science, and education. In this study of the Free Software/Open Source movement, Christopher Kelty provides a fascinating look into a world that may initially seem arcane to those outside the field, but which illuminates many connections between "geek" culture and the wider world as well. Free Software is, at its root, a bit of an enigma. Meshing public and private spheres in complicated ways, it seeks to create software that is "privately owned, but freely and publicly accessible.

International status

The relation between internet and politics is a 1990 connection in Western countries. The link between public sphere and internet has been very serious academic pursuit at the international scale by this time. The role of social media for promoting social activism has been but very recent in origin as a theoretical pursuit. The role of social media especially Facebook and Twitter in the protest movement for democracy in the Middle East area has been a nascent research area.

A DigiActive Introduction to Facebook Activism by Dan Schultz is an important path pulling research . The social basis of activism explains why Facebook, an increasingly popular social networking site, is a natural companion for tech-savvy organizers. Because of the site's massive user base and its free tools, Facebook is almost too attractive to pass up. However, the site has its flaws and is not a guarantee of organizing success. This guide is written to provide some insights into what works, what doesn.t work, and how best to use Facebook to advance your movement.

THE DIGIACTIVE GUIDE TO TWITTER FOR ACTIVISM by Andreas Jungherr has been another research in this area.Narrates the activist potential of Twitter platform.

Internationally there are many studies have done on the area of social media and political activism.It has become a growing research are as of now.Social media has become an effective tool among people all over the world.So it is most necessary to organize research in this area.

National Status

India very recently found people using internet especially for networking.Social media recently has attracted many young people.There are different social media platforms in India which are largely used by various activist groups for online campaigning.For instance blogs(Blogger),networking sites(Orkut and Facebook),emailing(Gmail and Yahoo) ,chat rooms,video sharings(You Tube),photosharing(Flckr and Piccaso) Free Mobile SMS ( and are used by various Ngo groups and activist groups to reach out their messages to millions of people.Anna Hazare campaign for Lokpal Bill,Greenpeace Campaign for Grenn India are few instances of online campaigning in India.

Unfortunately no more studies have been found on the research agenda in India in recent days on this area.It is immensely helpful to organize research in this area and to redirect people towards the path of using internet for good and socially useful purpose especially by youth.Nationally not much studies are reported to bring a fresh insight.Almost the study will be explorative.

Significance of the Study

The aim of the study is not to document the number of online platforms available for organizing online activism. It broadly looks to explore whether such platforms formed really meet the requirements of public sphere as discussed by Habermas and other critiques.

(iii) Objectives

The study has a broad objective of understading the nature and direction of public sphere online in India.With this broad idea in mind,the study has pinpointed following objective.

  1. To identify social media platforms which facilitates social movement campaign online?
  2. To explore into the online social movements in India.
  3. To theorise the emerging public sphere online India.

(iv) Methodology

Widely the work is based on qualitative research methodlogy.Primary data will be collected based on the online interaction with participants.The work is in the nature of explorative nature as there are not much study is reported in India.

For the purpose of organizing research,online interaction is mostly recommented.Therfore,electronic equipments are highly recommended.Nettop,E-reder,Internet connection probably portable,Apple iPod,MacBook and Sony Handycam are higly recommended.


1. Berman, J., & Mulligan, D. K. Issue advocacy in the age of the Internet. In D. M.Anderson & M. Cornfield (Eds.), The civic web: Online politics and democratic values. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. (pp.77–83).

2. Kellner, D. (2004). The media and the crisis of democracy in the age of Bush2. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 1(1), 2958.

  1. Calhoun, C. (Ed.). (1992). Habermas and the Public Sphere. Cambridge: MIT Press. Cerulo KA 1997, Reframing social concepts for a brave new (virtual) world. Sociological Inquiry, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 48-58.

4. Garnham, N. (1992). The media and the public sphere. In C. Calhoun (Ed.), Habermas and the Public Sphere (pp. 359-376). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

5. Dahlgren, P. (2001). Media and the transformation of democracy. In B. Axford & R. Huggins (Eds.), New Media and Politics (pp. 64-88). London: Sage.

6. Squires, C. (2002). Rethinking the black public sphere: An alternative vocabulary for multiple public spheres. Communication Theory, 12 (4), 446-468.

7. Anderson, J. (2003). New media, new publics: Reconfiguring the public sphere of Islam. Social Research, 70 (3), 887-906.

8. Emirbayer, M., & Sheller, M. (1998). Publics in history. Theory and Society, 27 (6), 727- 779.

9. McDorman, T. (2001). Crafting a virtual counterpublic: Right-to-die advocates on the Internet. In R. Asen & D. Brouwer (Eds.), Counterpublics and the State (pp.187-210). New York: State University of New York.

10. Mater, M. (2001). A structural transformation for a global public sphere? The use of new communication technologies by nongovernmental organizations and the United Nations. In R. Asen & D. Brouwer (Eds.), Counterpublics and the State (pp. 211-234). New York: State University of New York.

(v) Year-wise Plan of work and targets to be achieved.

Plan of Work

The proposed work will be completed in the following schedule.

Field visit

-Three months Internet based online interaction

Questionnaire preparation

-Three months


-Six months Online Survey

Data Analyses

-Three months

Writing and Reporting

-Three months

Total months required

-Eighteen months

(vi) Details of collaboration, if any intended :Nil

10. Financial Assistance required :

Item -Estimated Expenditure

I. Books and Journals -30000/-

II. Equipment, if needed

(please enclose quotations) -150000/-

III. Field Work and Travel -50000/-

iv. Chemicals and glassware -NIL

v. Contingency ( including special needs) -70000/-

Total: -300000/-

Three Lakh only

11. Whether the teacher has received

support for the research project from the

UGC under Major, Minor, scheme of

support for research or from any

agency? -Nil

12. (a) Details of the project/scheme

completed or ongoing with the P.I -Nil

(b) Institutional and Departmental facilities

available for the proposed work :


Other Infrastructural facilities :

13. Any other information which the investigator may like to give in support of this

proposal which may be helpful in evaluating.

To certify that:

a. The University/ College is approved under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the

UGC Act and is fit to receive grants from the UGC.

b. General physical facilities, such as furniture/space etc., are available in the


c. I/we shall abide by the rules governing the scheme in case assistance is

provided to me/us from the UGC for the above project.

d. I/we shall complete the project within the stipulated period. If I/We fail to do

so and if the UGC is not satisfied with the progress of the research project,

the Commission may terminate the project immediately and ask for the

refund of the amount received by me/us.

e. The above research Project is not funded by any other agency.

Name & Signature

(a) Principal Investigator

(b) Co- Investigator



(c) Registrar/Principal

( Signature with Seal)